Ravensbourne ‘Creative Noise’ Graduate Fashion Week

This show definitely raised the bar. Each of the graduate’s collection carried it’s own unique style and concept on the runway. The standards were high and it was clear just how thorough the designers had been from the initial concept through to the finishing touches. Covering menswear, womenswear and a fusion of both, this show featured 16 designers from the university.

After the show we went backstage to find out a little more about the school and the designers. After speaking to course leader, Garmit Matharu, we were able to build a real picture of what it takes for these students to make the cut and have their work featured at Graduate Fashion Week. Garmit told us how the university begins to develop the students skills right from the off-set in their first year. The students are given access to new and innovative design technology as well as more traditional styles.

As the students refine their skills in a range of techniques they prepare for a prestigious placement in their second year. He spoke of his students flying to New York, Paris and other fashion capitals across the globe and working for renowned fashion houses such as Alexander McQueen and Celine.

Progressing into their third year, the students begin preparing for their graduate collections, translating the knowledge and experience they’ve gained over the past two years into one inspiring collection. Garmit emphasised however that before the course leaders even consider letting the students begin making their collections it’s absolutely essential that they have a concrete concept behind it. They provoke the students to pose the next big questions in fashion, this inquisition has provoked the students deeply explore conceptually and really push the boundaries of design. Encapsulating the theme of the show ‘Creative Noise’ perfectly.

Once their collection has been finalised a panel of industry judges helps dictate whose work makes it to the catwalk. A total of 16 designers were selected here are the lucky few:

Jack Baird, Natalie Wall, Sophia Rashid, Sophie Cooper, Parla Fazaneh, Claudia Loaiza, Eden Lowetha, Hannah Page, Shanice Brown, Emma Peddle, Moni Ka Dykiel, Victoria Daw. Emma Bundy, Cinzia Di Donto, Fiona Rogers and Sibel Atig.

This transpired in the show, each of the designers’ collections held up strongly, each showcasing the students natural talent and flair for design. We’d like to congratulate each and every one of the students featured and watch this space because we plan to catch up with them soon.

Words by April Edgar

Photography by Andrew Gough