Steven Tai AW16 Presentation

With driving influences from nostalgia of feeling ‘home and comfort’ when you’re at your grandparents house, this collection and presentation alike, transported observers to the days of your childhood. After speaking to Steven, and I asked asked him about his inspiration for the collection and the reasoning behind the models cross-stitching, he recalled how he would cross stitch at his Grandma’s when he was young. I asked whether this impacted his flare for design, he laughed and said he had not thought about it in that way before but that it may have had a subconscious effect.

The Painting Rooms were transformed with floral wallpaper and persian style carpets it was completed with rocking chairs and vintage home accessories. The cherry on top became apparent as we made our way through the presentation, sat at the back was a lovely woman named Linda. She had been approached by Steven through an old people’s club she was part of, she was enthusiastic to try something new so jumped at the chance to join the models as part of Steven’s presentation.

The collection was fantastic, the level of detail and the quality was impeccable. With materials ranging from thick neutral coloured corduroy, with frayed edging on the outerwear to supple silk dresses. The accessories all had a pearls incorporated, whether it was the chains on the glasses or as the donned the soft suede shoes. The collection was very wearable and with the influx in popularity for vintage inspired clothes, ‘Freaky Friday’ addresses these desires with a modernised update.

A quote from author Robert Brault encapsulates the inspiration of the collection – “Two things you discover when you’re older and wiser – you’re not actually any wiser, and behind the wrinkles you’re not any older, either.” The collection emphasises the ‘old soul’ found in their customers. Despite living in a modern world, they value the down times and can recognise the necessity of comfort.

Words: April Edgar

Photos: Claudia Rocha